08 NOV 2013 by ideonexus
We are Ultimately Responsible for Our Fate
Thus it is that (to ensure feeding and breeding), "Nature" during the aeons of experimentation which we call "Evolution" has developed a variety of fixed preservative instincts, traits, and characteristics in the animal world. From the animal world, we as animals have inherited such of these instincts, traits, and characteristics as were necessary or most favorable to Man's survival and present dominance. "Gifts": Peculiarly Human. In addition to these, man lias acquired, attained, or bee...If we choose to interfere with evolution and nature, then we are responsible for the consequences, but if we choose not to, then we are also responsible for the consequences.
08 NOV 2013 by ideonexus
The Misuse of "Social Evolution"
No word is more on people's lips than "Evolution"; and none is more frequently misused, and misunderstood. Social Evolution is often talked of as if it were a cosmic process forced on men wholly from the outside, regardless of their yea and nay; or again as if it were a beneficent dispensation "from on high" that somehow, and regardless of men's acts, will float them to the haven of social bliss. The typical expression of this last extraordinary misconception is: "Things will right themse...Folksonomies: evolution social engineering
Folksonomies: evolution social engineering
Evolution is a natural force, but we mistake that for fatalism. Humans have control over their destiny.